Saturday, January 14, 2012

The First Snow of 2012!

Our first snow at Casa Crustante!

Yup, our attitudes toward soliciting are as cold as our weather.

Our lovely Faverolles ladies have been great troopers, they've spent the majority of the day outside, foraging and discussing important chicken matters. Although they have been wearing an expression of WTH all over their chicken faces.

Something tells me that snow is slightly beyond their comprehension.

Hope you and yours are staying toasty and warm.


  1. Those beards are beautiful! How to they stay so clean!? My girl's beard constantly gets mucky. I think she pokes around in dew grass and then goes back in the coop and takes dust baths.

    Snow is supposed to start falling here around 10pm. SO EXCITED!

  2. I'm excited for you guys, Jessika! I hope you get exactly the right amount of snow. :)

    Thank you, Pear! It's absolutely perfectly spaced between the post, solicitors LOVE to wedge their pamphlets there. At least I get a lot less people knocking on my door.
