Thursday, October 13, 2011

Coop Envy..

So my coop isn't even done and I'm already suffering from I-Need-To-Build-Another-Coopitis.


Look at this coop:
There should be law against coops being this adorable. It makes me look bad. More beautiful photos of this masterpiece here.

I've spent 4 hours so far on the coop today. The last 10% craaaaawls, doesn't it?


  1. Thank goodness I'm a function over fashion guy because mine is downright ugly. However, it is warm, well ventilated, sufficient size and people friendly. I wish I had room for a static run they could kill all vegetation in, but I don't.

    What you're building is fine! Paint it cool and throw some kitch on it and call it good. The chickens won't care!

  2. lol, your coop is not ugly! It's quite cute and well built! And your chickens are obviously very happy! I hope my future hens are as happy as your are.
