Monday, July 11, 2011

A Brief Photo Tour

Husband took these photos today of our house. Let's take a tour!

This is what the interior of our house looks like at this moment: New framing, new insulation, new pipes, new electrical.

Photo of our hallway.

Our zucchini plant has zucchinis!

Roses are blooming in the front yard. I pruned them back a bit aggressively, and they've responded by bursting into blooms.

My little garden is my favorite 64 square feet so far. :) Grow plants, grow!


  1. Congrats on the house progress so far. Let's hope it keeps moving at good speed. As for your garden, it's looking better than mine and mine's been up all season. Congrats!!!!

  2. Aww, thanks!! I'm so excited to see if I actually get anything. It's definitely been a learning experience. :)
