Friday, December 28, 2012

Lower Salmon River Squash

Since Boat Building Season is over, it's now Planning Next Year's Garden season.  I have the basics in our garden- strawberry and asparagus patches, along with a growing rhubarb and a 2nd year nectarine tree.   But I want something more, something I can stash away in the pantry for those long winter days.  Like a winter squash.

So after digging around, I found exactly what I'm looking for- a gorgeous squash that stores well- and it's called the Lower Salmon River squash, which is native to the Pacific Northwest and is an endangered plant (information from Renewing America's Food Traditions). 

I stumbled upon it at Marishabee's Blog

She writes:
This year I grew only one variety of winter squash:  Lower Salmon River.  I chose this squash because it is fabulous for winter storage.  In fact, it will store so well that my partner says that we need a bandsaw to cut through it (we can process it with standard kitchen utensils too).
See?  That's what I want! 

If you're looking for something different to grow, and would like to help preserve and endangered plant,  you can buy seeds from Seed Dreams.

Alternatively, if we're neighbors/friends, I might be willing to share some of my stash.   But you will be subjected to a growing competition.  You've been warned!

Happy garden planning! 

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