Monday, May 30, 2011

It's been one week.

Tomorrow will mark one week of our house ownership. And guess what begins tomorrow?

Not that I'm excited or anything.

And in other news, the garden space is filling up quickly.

I've decided that the bulk of my garden space will be dedicated to beans and tomatoes. Beans are not my favorite but they're extremely versatile. Anything that I can can, freeze, or dry, and use in a chocolate cake (they make fantastic flourless chocolate cakes- seriously!) has my vote.

We have a renegade domestic rabbit running around our neighborhood. He was terrorizing our neighbor's beautiful rose beds today. We picked up a live animal trap, hopefully we can catch him before any of the raccoons, owls, or other natural predators do. We'll see what happens.


  1. Wow, that was fast filling in the spaces. Well done! We grew beans a few years ago and had such a huge harvest we blanched and froze them. Alas, nobody in the family liked the results, so I haven't grown them since. However, my brother's growing 4 different shelling beans so I hope to try some of his when he cooks with them. If I like them, I may grow them next year.

    I hope you catch the bunny before it makes it to your garden. We've seen a opposom twice in our yard. Out came the Have a Heart deterrant. Hope it works as I don't want it to get into the garden or my chicken area.

    Best of luck on the renovations!!!!!!

  2. Good luck catching the wabbit. Sorry, I couldn't help it.

    Years ago my dad caught a domestic rabbit that was living in the boat yard he worked at. He caught the rabbit and brought him home... Elmer (the rabbit) ended up being one of the coolest pets we ever had.

  3. I hope I like the black valentine beans.. if I don't they're such a pretty plant, so it won't be a complete bust. :)

    Hope your opossum stays away! So far, no wabbit. M, that's amazing that your dad was able to keep Elmer and he was a lovely rabbit! I'm thinking our local bunny is waiting for my plants to grow larger before he decides to devour them. He's simply watching and waiting.. haha
