Sunday, October 21, 2007

Where am I?

It's really amazing how life can come at you. One moment you're celebrating your third anniversary, the next you're doing the whole "Where is this relationship going?" conversation. You're taking care of your father when you look out the window and notice the rental house over the hill is burning down. You're on your way to visit the family only to hear that your father is going back to the hospital with pneumonia. You wake up to find out he has pulmonary embolism- a nice sized blood clot in his lung.

The last month has been really strange.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever things get crazy for me, I just take a breath and think to myself "this is my life" and it somehow helps me put things into perspective. I know it's stupid, but it helps me accept whatever it is I'm dealing with. My life has definitely been crazy lately. I hope your dad is okay. Poor guy spends entirely too much time at the hospital. =( Tell him "hello" from me.
